Meningitis in your words

Sharing stories to save lives worldwide

Storytelling is powerful, bringing experiences into focus and forging connections like nothing else. That is why the telling and reading of an individual, real experience of meningitis can spread awareness, foster understanding, and inspire and empower others. Through words, each account offers hope, comfort, and, above all, saves lives. Whether you carry the physical and emotional scars of meningitis or are grappling with the aftermath, your testimony can ignite action, understanding and strength in others across the world.

Meningitis in your words

2,030 voices for 2030

Stories of meningitis. For you, by you. Submit your story
3 last month Our goal

808 stories


Your latest stories - in your words.

As we head towards 2030, people are adding their stories every day. So, whether you want to motivate and inspire others or want to read people’s experiences of meningitis and sepsis, you’ll find a story that resonates and reminds you that you are never alone.

Maria Alvarado's full story
  • USA
  • Bacterial meningitis
  • Young Adult 20-25
Maria Alvarado's story I was 19 years old and I had just started my first quarter of college...

All stories

Danny M's full story
  • UK
  • Meningococcal
Danny M's story A few days after I was born, all those years ago, my mum noticed I was sleeping a lot and being sick...
Connor Tomlinson's full story
  • UK
  • Pneumococcal
  • Baby 0-1
Connor Tomlinson's story My son contracted pneumococcal meningitis at the age of 10 months old, what started with vomiting an...
Mason Paul Montague's full story
  • UK
  • Meningococcal
  • Toddler 1-3
Mason Paul Montague's story On November 31st 2016 Mason fell ill with meningococcal septicaemia, this is an aggressive infection...
Erin Lamond 's full story
  • UK
  • Escherichia coli (E. Coli)
Erin Lamond 's story My daughter contracted ecoli meningitis at 10 days old...
Gordon 's full story
  • UK
  • Meningococcal
  • Child 6-12
Gordon 's story
Kathleen 's full story
  • Meningococcal
  • Teenager
Kathleen 's story I started at the University of Leeds in September 2007...
Loken's full story
  • Meningococcal
  • Toddler 1-3
Loken's story It was the 10th of January 2011 and I received a phone call at 3pm from the nursery saying that Loke...
Sarah 's full story
  • Group W meningococcal (Men W)
  • Adult 25-59
Sarah 's story In August 2016, at age 30, I had reached the peak of my career...
Madeleine's full story
  • Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae B)
Madeleine's story In March 1990, our beautiful daughter Madeleine contracted haemophilus influenzae just three weeks b...
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Make a difference. Share your story.

Survivors, partners, parents, carers, friends, heath workers – everyone has a story to tell. Every story is unique, personal and has something to offer. Whether it’s compassion, encouragement, optimism or despair, by sharing your story you will be helping others who are suffering or have suffered from meningitis and sepsis, letting them know that they are never alone.

Journeys of hope

Even in the darkest of moments, there is hope. People who have overcome meningitis share their inspiring stories of recovery and optimism for the future. View all
Scott Stillman's full story
  • USA
  • Unknown meningitis and septicaemia (sepsis) type, Viral
  • Adult 25-59
Scott Stillman's story In August 2021, our daughter Lucy returned to St Lawrence University in upstate NY for her second ye...
Seema Jaswal's full story
  • UK
  • Bacterial meningitis
  • Teenager
Seema Jaswal's story TV presenter Seema Jaswal contracted meningitis at the age of 16, while she was studying for her A-L...
Kirsty 's full story
  • UK
  • Meningococcal
  • Adult 25-59
Kirsty 's story

Stories of strength

Tales of courage, determination and resilience, and how the human spirit can conquer even the hardest of challenges brought by meningitis. View all
Monica's full story
  • Europe
  • Unknown meningitis and septicaemia (sepsis) type
  • Baby 0-1
Monica's story My name is Monica from Norway. B...
Errol Kendall's full story
  • Australia
  • Other bacterial meningitis and septicaemia (sepsis) type
  • Baby 0-1
Errol Kendall's story I was born in the early fifties, my parents in their 30s and I was their 3rd child and their first b...
Luke adams's full story
  • UK
  • Group B meningococcal (MenB), Other bacterial meningitis and septicaemia (sepsis) type
  • Teenager
Luke adams's story It was Easter Friday . M...

Tales of tenacity

Living with and through meningitis is a battle in all sorts of unimaginable ways. Here, people share their tales of overcoming hurdles and winning even the smallest of battles. View all
Dianora 's full story
  • Group B meningococcal (MenB)
  • Young Adult 20-25
Dianora 's story
Irene Lopez's full story
  • Spain
  • Bacterial meningitis
Irene Lopez's story On September 14th 2012, I was 29 years old. T...
CoMO Member
Cheryl Bernadine Repko's full story
  • USA
  • Viral
  • 60+
Cheryl Bernadine Repko's story In 1985 i was a happy, single lawyer in washington, d...

Circles of support

Coping with meningitis is often a team effort. Read the experiences of families and friends who have supported their loved ones through their battle with meningitis. View all
Jay Aston and Josie Colquhoun's full story
  • UK
  • Bacterial meningitis
  • Teenager
Jay Aston and Josie Colquhoun's story Bucks Fizz singer, Jay Aston, immediately recognised t...
Emily 's full story
  • UK
  • Meningococcal
  • Young Adult 20-25
Emily 's story
Mellodi March's full story
  • USA
  • Unknown meningitis and septicaemia (sepsis) type
  • Baby 0-1
Mellodi March's story I am Katelyn March, Mellie's mommy. H...

Healthcare heroes

Stories that celebrate the compassion and commitment of healthcare professionals, and the vital role they play in treating and supporting people with meningitis. View all
Hayley Tamaddon's full story
  • UK
  • Viral
  • Adult 25-59
Hayley Tamaddon's story Actress, Hayley Tamaddon, famous for her roles in Emmerdale and Coronation Street, contracted mening...
Erin Lamond 's full story
  • UK
  • Escherichia coli (E. Coli)
Erin Lamond 's story My daughter contracted ecoli meningitis at 10 days old...
Simone Shoffman's full story
  • UK
  • Viral
  • Toddler 1-3
Simone Shoffman's story Social media influencer Simone, also known Si Si, Shoffm...

Beyond meningitis

Many people don’t want to be defined by their illness. Here, they share their stories of personal growth, pursuing their passions and fulfilling their ambitions. View all
Leo 's full story
  • UK
  • Meningococcal
  • Baby 0-1
Leo 's story