Support for you

We are here to help

Do you need support on meningitis?

If so, we are here for you. You can call our free helpline, email us, or use our live chat. However, if you think that you, or someone you know, has meningitis please call your doctor or emergency services immediately. For meningitis, minutes saves lives so always trust your instincts and get medical help fast.  

How to contact our Support Services

Our dedicated Support Services is here for you if you have a question or concern about meningitis and its after effects. Our team is on hand Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm GMT / BST
  • Phone: 080 8800 3344 (UK) / 1800 41 33 44 (Republic of Ireland).
  • Email:
  • Live chat.

Remember, if you are concerned that you or someone else is showing signs of meningitis or sepsis call 999 in the UK or 112 in Ireland immediately. We do not provide diagnostic medical advice.

Helplines Partnership logoWe are here so you don’t have to face meningitis alone

Whether you are living with the after effects of meningitis or coping with the death of a loved one, we are here for you. We are trained to work with families and individuals who need our support and collaborate with specialists to provide accurate, evidence-based information on a range of meningitis-related topics including:

Recovery from emotional and physical after effects will vary from person to person

We are here to talk about what is happening with you or someone close to you. We work with the world's top experts and share that knowledge with you.

We are trained and experienced in understanding bereavement as a result of meningitis and septicaemia/sepsis.

We are here for you. We understand that grief affects everyone differently but we know that talking about your feelings and emotions will help.

“I found it extremely helpful to speak to someone who had been through a similar experience. It gave me hope that they had got through it and things could improve” - Jacqueline Thellwell, MRF member

Whether you are living with the after effects of the diseases or coping with the death of a loved one, we are here for you.

If someone special to you has died as a result of meningitis or septicaemia, you can remember them in a unique and personal way by setting up an online MRF Remembrance Fund.
Read or share stories of personal experience
An opportunity for people impacted by meningitis to meet in an informal environment

A range of resources to help understand and cope with the effects of meningitis on people's lives

Available to download or Order online in the UK and Ireland

We have 17,500 active members with personal experience of the diseases. It is free for you to become a member of MRF.
Including legal advice available to you in the UK

“When MRF Support Staff came to visit the first time we really didn't know what to expect... but we felt able, for the first time since out daughter died, to tell someone how we really felt, whilst feeling very safe.” - Dawn and David, MRF members

Many of the after effects of meningitis aren't immediately obvious. In this blog, Support Manager Cat explains how we can help.
Running, cycling, walking, family events - something for everyone in the fight against meningitis
Mike Davies contracted bacterial meningitis in 2017. This is his story.
The world of prosthetic limbs is changing fast. Erin Gilbert, our Community Fundraiser, looks into the latest developments aiming to improve the lives of amputees throughout the world, and explains how Meningitis Research Foundation can help those who've lost limbs to meningitis and septicaemia.
Provide a lifeline for those in need
Provide a lifeline for those in need
£6/€7.20/$8 pays for a 30 minute call from a trained support officer.

They listen to the issues faced by someone struggling with the impact of meningitis, and provide detailed information and support.
Getting information and support

The MRF Membership and Support team are here for you for any questions you might have about meningitis and septicaemia and their effects on you, or your family and friends.

You can contact us via our helpline, email, social media, Live Chat or by using our use our Get in Touch form.

Tel: 080 8800 3344 (UK) 1800 41 33 44 (Ireland)