George Zographou

England Group B meningococcal (MenB) Teenager Brother or Sister
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George Zographou

The amazing George Zographou, aka Zoggy, tragically and suddenly died August 16th of MenB whilst attending a festival and never came home. 

He was misdiagnosed and died alone on the floor of a welfare tent.  His loss has been unbearable for those around him. He was my only sibling, and so much more could have been done for him and others like him. He had so much to give the world. He loved others, he was so supportive and empathetic and his heart was open to everyone. He helped those who struggled and mentored those who were socially struggling.

"His heart was open to everyone"

On 10th August, George wasn't feeling 100 percent, nothing he felt concerned about just not fully well, he did not have an appetite. When arriving at the music festival later that afternoon he started feeling sick and shakey. He returned to his tent where he vomited all night. In the night he began getting cramps in his legs.

On 11th August George woke up, continuing to be sick, with severe pain in his legs, particularly his left leg. He was unable to bare weight on his leg and he had cramps. George was taken to the Festival’s medical tent. On his left foot George had a ‘red mottled, bruised, non-raised rash that looked like a tribal sign’.

Tests were done and it was concluded that George might have a stress fracture on his ankle, and was suffering from dehydration.  George’s heart rate was high between 80- 100 bpm, and he had been vomiting all night and continued to vomit whilst in the medical tent. His blood pressure was low. He was administered morphine when his observations improved slightly but he was still unable to walk without assistance.

"He had so much to give the world"

Doctors who treated George at the festival said of the rash / mark on his foot: “The mark he had was only on one foot, if it was anything like meningococcal disease it would have been all over his body.”

George was moved to the welfare tent where he became agitated and was unable to lie on the bed. He was given a space on the floor with pillows. In the transition to the floor George's behaviour changed - became confused and grabbed at staff. Whilst on the floor George then became unable to give instruction and appeared "asleep.” George suffered a cardiac arrest an hour later. He was resuscitated, but remained unconscious.

George was taken to the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro and put on life support. On Wednesday 16th August life support was turned off and George died the day before he was due to receive his a level results where he received an A* in business.

Nicole Zographou
February 2018

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