In 2021, I was admitted to the hospital after seeing four different GPs over four days, who all thought I had a sinus allergy. Luckily, the fifth doctor thought it was more serious than my sinuses and sent me into A&E (accidents and emergency) straight away.
At the time I had a strange blister rash on the back of my leg behind my knee, again the four GPs didn't think it was anything. The headaches were unbearable.
While in A&E, I was sent for a CT scan as they thought I had a brain tumour. The results came back as clear so I was sent for an MRI and again the results were clear.
Eventually, I was given a lumbar puncture but due to the pain, they had to stop. I was put on antivirals and admitted to a ward. The next day, I was given heavy pain relief and another lumbar puncture was carried out, this time they managed to do it and it came back that I had viral meningitis and encephalitis. I remember the doctor telling me that if I left it any later to come into hospital, I would have been dead in 48 hours.
It was confirmed that the blister rash was shingles and this is what caused the meningitis and encephalitis. I was in hospital on drips for ten days.
I have scarring in the front lobe of my brain which swells and causes pain, which has resulted in me being on painkillers every day. I need to keep antivirals in the cupboard as the rash still comes back and I've been told this will happen for the rest of my life.
I still worry that every severe headache that I get is the meningitis coming back. I think what my biggest worry is, if I ever have to have another lumbar puncture again, it terrifies me.
The consultants, doctors and nurses from the DGRI (Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary) were lifesavers. I was really well looked after and can't thank them enough.
Lesley Marshall