At 7:10 am on the 1st October 1990, Lauren was born and 36 hours later she was taken into intensive care and given a lumbar puncture which proved she had meningitis. A course of antibiotics were given for two weeks, then I was sent home with her with another two weeks of antibiotics.
After a couple of days at home she wouldn't settle. So back to A&E (accident and emergency), another lumbar puncture showed it was still present along with sepsis. We were blue-lighted to GOSH (Great Ormond Street Hospital) where she was given another lumbar puncture and then given vancomycin. I was assured by a lovely nurse she would be ok. She was my firstborn, such an awful time to see your poor baby with cannulas in her tiny hands, then her feet, then her head.
We were sent back to our local hospital to continue the treatment. At this time we were also being made aware by the consultants of the dangers of meningitis that she could lose her hearing, and her limbs. My baby finally came home on the 16th of December, our amazing paediatrician, Dr. Cheriyan (whom I have tried to trace), did a brain scan and tests and said my baby would make a full recovery. I know I am one of the lucky parents whose baby was not affected by meningitis.
My daughter is now 33. I now have two beautiful granddaughters, I feel very blessed. It still upsets me today when I see the children affected by this disease.